Happy Lift Trainee (DB)

Happy Lift Trainee (DB)

Darren, 45, was a not working at the start of our new lift engineer training course in July 2013, after being made redundant as a cabinet maker.

Please read his written testimonial below:

I didn't think that I would be able to get a permanent job in the lift industry because of my age being over 40 years. I'm pleased to say that with the help of Social Learning Centre, I have managed to get a job on lift repairs.

They introduced me to lots of lift employers and over a period of 5 days, I had attended 10 interviews, this helped me a great deal when eventually working for the lift company.

The training included a site visit to a lift distributor and I took part in lots of practical training on how lifts work and different fault diagnoses to repair them to.

Thanks again to Social Learning Centre.

Darren Burton.